ACCOUNTING TOOL - Families Side 
Families have easy online access to their Statement of Account!
Statement Balance Online. When families login, their statement balance is in the upper right corner of the screen. A simple click on the balance takes them to their accounting page with a list of invoices, payments, adjustments and any outstanding balances.
Pay online. A "Pay Now" button allows families to make an immediate online payment from their home or while on the go. It's that easy!
Emailed Invoices. When a family receives an invoice via email, it comes complete with a "Pay Now" button that takes them to their Statement of Account. In less than a minute, payment can be made.Records are kept online (printing is optional) and are simultaneously viewable by both the family and the admins. It has never been so easy!
Online access to the Statement of Account
Payments conveniently made online
Everyone is on the same page
Answer account questions 24/7